
The New Year is shaping up to be packed with writing workshops and conferences.

If you’re looking to launch a writing career, expand your freelance business or get your creative juices flowing, check out these workshops:


Query Bootcamp

Your queries may be getting rejected because the ideas aren’t on target, the pitch fails to emphasize a wow factor or it’s the wrong idea for the wrong magazine/editor. Perhaps the number one reason you’re not generating more work — or landing lucrative assignments — is because you’re not sending queries at all.

Whether you’re just starting out or need support to give your freelance career a boost, Query Bootcamp can give you the tools and inspiration to go from pitch to publication.

In this six-week class includes videos with helpful information about successfully querying editors, help turning ideas into packaged pitches that sell, detailed critiques to increase your chances of acceptance and ideas to expand your businesses through targeted queries and letters of introduction.

Dates:                         January 20 to February 24 (Wednesday evenings, 7 to 9 p.m.)

Location:                    Virtual

Cost:                            $199

The premium version, which includes three 30-minute calls for one-on-one support, is $299.


Travel Writing

Travel writing is a job most people dream about – learn how to make that dream come true. This class will help new writers learn how to develop ideas, approach editors, write articles and travel the world for free. In-class exercises, homework and thoughtful critiques will help you hone your writing skills and get one step closer to getting published.

Dates:                         February 18 to March 11 (Tuesday evenings, 6 to 8 p.m.)

Location:                    Queens University/Charlotte

Cost:                            $139 (register through Queens)


Introduction to Freelance Journalism

Freelance feature writing is a staple of magazines, alternative weeklies and daily newspapers. Whether you’re interested in entertainment, sports, travel, business, or profiles, this course offers a primer in the fundamental skills of interviewing, reporting, writing, and editing – all of which go into creating the thoughtful, vibrant and well-constructed feature stories editors want.

Dates:                         February 12 to March 26, Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m.

Location:                    CPCC Cato Campus/Charlotte

Cost:                           $110 (register through CPCC)